marshall kilburn II advertising

The stout-hearted hero called Kilburn II weighs only 2.5 kg and is the loudest speaker in its class. It produces a clear midrange, deep bass and extended highs that are unrivalled for a speaker its size, and its multi-directional sound will immerse one in their music, indoors or out.

For the here presented advertising package it was decided to focus on the heritage Marshall brings with its brand, staying true to its features without any gimmicky presentation, both in print as well as moving pictures. This leaves us with vintage colors leaning into orange and teal, simple yet effective animations and a strong reliance on visuals rather than text.


Concept & Art Direction: Fabian Schwarzinger & Michael Streifeneder
Director Of Photography: Fabian Schwarzinger
Still images: Michael Streifeneder
Editing & Motion Graphics: Fabian Schwarzinger
Print advertising: Michael Streifeneder
Model: Johanna Wahl